Who We Are

Sensiona - Finding Beauty in the Ordinary

Your Secret is Self Care 

Do you know when it’s time for some self-care and relaxation? 

It's when you honestly don’t have time for it. How often do you compliment yourself instead of criticizing, rest instead of rushing, and simply indulge in a little self-care?

Sensiona products allow you to pamper yourself, take the time to relax, take care of your body, and then sparkle with both an inner and outer confidence. Remember, no one is you and that is your superpower! 

The Products:

Everything we create is made to the highest standards - rivaling even the most prestigious salon treatments. Our flagship product is the innovative Wax Warmer + the Sensiona Insert Cups that make waxing at home a total game-changer! Sensually sweet wax beans, relaxing waxing sprays, indulgent body creams, and more. A whole lotta good things are coming, just waiting to pamper your body.

 The Inspiration 

Sens - As in sensual 

Sensuality at its core is enjoyment; enjoyment of experiences, people, intimacy, and most importantly enjoyment of self.

Iona - Celtic origins meaning purple jewel

She possesses a certain sparkling quality that radiates from the inside out.

We want you to take pleasure in life moment by moment, delighting in the fullness of each experience.

Our Values:

Our passion lies in finding beauty in the ordinary, in discovering that living in the moment and having a sparkling inner joy and confidence is the true definition of sensuality. Embrace your identity, personality, body type, and be true to you and what makes you feel beautiful. 


Slow down, breathe. Take the time to feel relaxed and sensual! Don’t rush through life, or brush aside beauty regimes, it's time to fall back in love with yourself. We know ( and you know) you deserve it.